Cul De San Basin Bridge Reconstruction Project
St. Lucia, W.I.
Amarna Consult Ltd. has played an active role in the Cul De Sac Basin Bridge Reconstruction Project in Saint Lucia. This bridge is 81 meters long and has both two abutments and two piers. The piers and abutments are built on piles approximately 40 meters deep, easily making it one of the deepest bridge piling projects in the country. This project is aimed at improving transportation efficiency as well as traffic safety in major arterial roads on the island. It is also part of a larger Japanese government-funded bridge renovation initiative on the island’s east coast to link the capital Castries to the international airport. Amarna Consult Ltd. spearheaded the Geotechnical Investigation for the project.
Geotechnical Investigation on various tank sites for the Water and Sewerage Company
St. Lucia, W.I.
As part of WASCO’s upgrade work for water supply to various communities (Vieux Sucrieux, Monchy; Patience, Micoud; La Croix, La Guerre & Hill 20 in Babonneau), Amarna was contracted to provide geotechnical services as part of the preliminary works.
As Consultants on these projects, ACL’s role was to undertake Geotechnical field investigation, In-house Laboratory Soil Testing and Geotechnical Analysis and Reporting.
The Project for Reconstruction of Bridges in Cul-De-Sac Basin
St. Lucia, W.I.
In an effort to mitigate disaster risk along major roads between the south and north of the island of St. Lucia, the Government of St. Lucia (GOSL) requested the Government of Japan (GOJ) a grant aid to reconstruct three (3) high priority bridges, viz. Cul de Sac Bridge, Ferrands Bridge and Ravine Poisson Bridge, in the Cul de Sac basin. As the Cul-De-Sac Bridge; located on the West Coast Road, and the Ravine Poisson Bridge; on the East Coast Road, link the southern districts to the Capital City of Castries, road closure can severely affect the country’s transportation network and economic activities. The Project aim was to reconstruction the existing bridges, which are located in the high risk areas of floods, to protect against the effects of natural disasters such as hurricanes and tropical storms.
ACL’s role as part of this project was to undertake the geotechnical investigations for each site, including core drilling, test pit and/or borrow pit sampling, and borehole investigations; to undertake the laboratory testing of the samples obtained; and to produce Geotechnical Analysis and Reporting information.
Crooked Tree Road and Causeway Upgrading
Belize, Central America
Based on a 2013 road network assessment exercise by the Government of Belize (GOBZ), the community of Crooked Tree Village was identified as having the third highest priority road for resilience upgrading. The GOBZ engaged the services of consultants to prepare a feasibility study and detailed designs for the upgrading of Crooked Tree Road and Causeway to facilitate all-weather access to the community of Crooked Tree.
As sub-consultants under the helm of Caribbean Civil Group (CCG) out of the Bahamas, ACL’s role on this project was to undertake a geotechnical site investigation, soil testing, and Geotechnical Analysis and Reporting.
St. Vincent Referral Hospital
St. Vincent & the Grenadines, W.I
With the decommissioning of the E.T. Joshua Airport at Arnos Vale in St. Vincent, the Government of St. Vincent & the Grenadines (GOSVG) embarked on its urban development plans for the site with a composite plan to build a modern city on the 65 acres of land . Project two at Arnos Vale development project involves the health sector and the construction of a new, modern 127-bed Acute Referral Hospital complex.
As part of the feasibility study for the possible location of the hospital, ACL was engaged to undertake the geotechnical investigations for each proposed site, including core drilling, test pit and/or borrow pit sampling, and borehole investigations; to undertake the laboratory testing of the samples obtained; and to produce Geotechnical Analysis and Reporting information.
Eastern Island Road Works
Commonwealth of Dominica, W.I.
As part of their Disaster Vulnerability Reduction Project (DVRP) the Government of Dominica procured consulting services for Pre-Engineering and Design Services for the rehabilitation/reconstruction and realignment of road segments and associated civil structures as per four (4) lots in the eastern parts of the island.
As sub-consultants under Typsa Group out of Spain, ACL’s role as part of this project was to undertake the geotechnical investigations for bridge and retaining wall sites, including test pit sampling and borehole drilling; to undertake the laboratory testing of the samples obtained; to conduct pavement soil investigation for approximately 50km of roadway including Dynamic Cone Penetrometer tests and to produce Geotechnical Analysis and Reporting information.
Geotechnical Investigation Services to the Feasibility Study and design for the Linden to Mabura Hill Road Upgrade and River Crossing
Guyana, W.I.
Amarna’s role in this project is to conduct boreholes drilling, collection of samples, preparation of drilling reports according to format specified, provision of geotechnical Engineer for supervision of trial pits and laboratory testing.
Groundwater Exploration for Resort
St. Lucia, W.I.
As consultants, ACL’s role on this project was to undertake the geotechnical investigations for the exploration of groundwater at the site. The exploration works were divided into three phase including 1) borehole drilling to determine groundwater level, 2) testing of the groundwater properties and 3) the construction and installation of a well pumping system.
Geotechnical Investigation for Private Resort
St. Lucia, W.I.
As Consultant’s, ACL’s role on this project was to undertake Dynamic Cone Penetrometer tests, in-house laboratory soil testing and produced report stating analysis of soil test results, recommendations for foundation design and slope stabilization interventions.