Expanding Our Services
and Reach
Amarna is constantly aiming to improve on the services we offer to our clients and the public. In our bid to provide a comprehensive service package we added Architectural/3D Rendering and Value Engineering services to our roster of services last year. Today, we have expanded our geotechnical capabilities by starting our own in-house Soils Analysis Laboratory and a Geotechnical Drilling operation.
Our soils laboratory is being developed in two phases. Phase 1 involves a small operation focused on more common tests including Grain Size Analysis, Determination of Water Content, Specific Gravity, Atterberg Limits and Direct Shear in order to determine fundamental parameters for foundation design and slope stability analysis.
Phase 2 of the Laboratory will see the services expand to include other soil tests and in-situ tests, as well as tests for other construction fields such as Proctor Compaction, Dynamic Cone Penetration, In-Situ Density (Electrical Density Gauge), Concrete Compression Tests and much more.
In addition to the opening of our new soils laboratory, we now have the capability to undertake soil and rock sampling at depths up to 200 ft by means of drill rig, including determination of N valves through SPTs.